Henrik Nyqvist
Board member
Board member since 2010.
Studies in business administration and law.
Övriga nuvarande befattningar:
"Member of the board and CEO of NQ Fastigheter AB
Chairman of the board in Fastadsystem Stål i Borås AB, Fasadsystem Stål Holding AB, Fasadsystem Fastighet i Borås AB, Salong Karma AB
Member of the board in NQ Förvaltning AB, Fastighets AB Pantängen 17, Fessus Förvaltning AB, Kavallen Fastigheter AB, Ramnås Fastigheter AB, T-Konsortiet AB, Inkinvest AB, NQ Fristad AB, NQ Trading AB"

Christina Ståhl
Board member
Board member since 2020.
Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics from Lund University.
Other current assignments:
Previous assignments (last five years):
CEO of Bagaren och Kocken AB, board member in Outnorth AB